Tuesday, August 7, 2007


The GNIIT Program,introduced in 1992 by NIIT higher education wing is the first educational offering in India which combines academic rigour and a full year's training in the IT industry.This unique format ensures thorough understanding of real world application and builds a platform for a successful career in IT for the students.Indeed,no prior knowledge of IT is needed before you appear in GNIIT Entrance Test conducted at NIIT centres across the country.Infact,through a perfected technique called SPIN our career counsellers will help you uncover your exact needs and assess your latent potential.On clearing the test, you can pursue the GNIIT program of studies any timeafter your 10+2,simultaneously with your studies at college or even after your graduation.

Semester 1 26 Weeks Programming approaches & techniques
Implementing a database design using Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Introduction to Unified Modelling Language
HTML using Microsoft Front Page
JAVA Programming
Information Search & Analysis Skills
Effective Communication & Personality Development - I
Technology Edge
Web Programmer
Semester 2 26 Weeks Object Oriented Programming using C++
CGI Programming
Multi-user operating system concepts using Linux6.0
Network operating system concepts using Microsoft WindowsNT Server 4.0
Concepts & tools of Quality Management
Information Search & Analysis skills
Effective Communication & Personality Development - II
Technology Edge
Object Oriented Application Programmer
Semester 3 26 Weeks Developing COM components using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Designing & Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Designing & Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Personal Quality Management
Information Search & Analysis Skills
Effective Communication & Personality Development - III
Technology Edge
Oject Oriented Visual Application Developer
Semester 4 26 Weeks Scripting
Extensible Markup Language(XML)
Analysing Requirements & Defining SolutionsArchitecture(ARDSA)
Software Quality Assurance
Effective Communication & Personality Development - IV
Technology Edge
Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) Project
Web - Centric Application Designer & Developer

Version No: ILB.WNGY.FTZ:02

Effective Date: 8th June, 2004

Career Programs available under Futurz
FTC Curriculum

If you enroll for.... program
You study for...
You will get …

Career Edge
16 weeks
Basics Of Computers & MS Office,

Programming Logic & Techniques, HTML, Scripting, Project

LINUX, C++, Emerging trends, Application of IT in Organizations, Effective Communication (CBT), Getting started with computers (CBT), Outlook(CBT), Flash(CBT) & Intro to Oracle 8i(CBT)
* Program Performance Report

* CareerEdge Certificate

22 weeks or 6 months i.e, 1 semester
Basics Of Computers & MS Office,

Programming Logic & Techniques,

LINUX, OOPS using C++, UML, Java, Project,

HTML (CBT), Programming in C# (CBT), Operating System Concepts (CBT), Introduction to .NET (CBT), Effective Communication (CBT)

… (Also referred as Semester-1)
* Program Performance Report

* Certificate in Information Technology


42 weeks or 1 year i.e., 2 semesters
* Contents of CIT mentioned above Plus…

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

SQL 2000, Software Development Life Cycle, JDBC & Java Beans, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Servlets & JSP, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Information Search and Analysis Skills (ISAS), Project,

Introducing Software Engineering (CBT), Software Quality Assurance (CBT), Interpersonal Communications (CBT), Oracle9i ORDBMS (CBT), Getting started with Java Scripts (CBT) … (Also referred as Semester-2)
* Program Performance Report

* Diploma in Information Technology Certificate

* Placement Assistance

62 weeks or

1 ½ years i.e., 3 semesters
* Contents of DIT mentioned above Plus …

XML, VB.Net, ASP.Net, Information Search and Analysis Skills (ISAS), Project, Intro to Networking (CBT), OOAD (CBT)

… (Also referred as Semester-3)
* Program Performance Report

* Advanced Diploma in Information Technology Certificate

* Placement Assistance


72 weeks /

2 years i.e., 4 semesters
* Contents of AIT mentioned above Plus …

Principles of COM+, Implementing COM+ services using VC#, Introduction to WAP & WML, Developing Mobile Application using J2ME, E-commerce architecture, Security, Project, International etiquette (CBT), TCP-IP (CBT), Commerce Server 2002 (CBT) …(Also referred as Semester-4)
* Program Performance Report

* Professional Diploma in Information Technology Certificate

* Placement Assistance

2 years i.e., 4 semesters
Contents of PIT in Normal Track

* Program Performance Report

* DNIIT Certificate

* Placement Assistance

3 years i.e., 6 semesters

(4 years after 10+2)
Contents of PIT in Normal Track,

Professional Practice consisting of two semesters PP1 & PP2,


* Career Development Service-I (CDS-I) in Semester 1

* Career Development Service-II (CDS-II) in Semester 2

* Career Development Service-III (CDS-III) in Semester 3
* Program Performance Report

* GNIIT Certificate

* Placement Assistance


(Semester 2 Only - Casual Admission)
22 weeks
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

SQL 2000, Software Development Life Cycle, JDBC & Java Beans, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Servlets & JSP, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Information Search and Analysis Skills (ISAS), Project,

Introducing Software Engineering (CBT), Software Quality Assurance (CBT), Interpersonal Communications (CBT), Oracle9i ORDBMS (CBT), Getting started with Java Scripts (CBT)
* Participation Certificate


(Semester 3 Only - Casual Admission)

22 weeks
XML, VB.Net, ASP.Net, Information Search and Analysis Skills (ISAS), Project, Intro to Networking (CBT), OOAD (CBT)
* Participation Certificate

4 Weeks
Systems Calls, Linux Administration (CBT)
* Certificate of Proficiency in System Call Programming and Basic Linux Administration

4 weeks
J2EE Applications: Architecture & Design, Oracle 9i AS (CBT)
* Certificate of Proficiency in J2EE Architecture and Oracle 9i AS

4 weeks
Data Warehousing & Data Mining (Theory and CBT)
* Proficiency in Information Analysis using OLAP Services

4 weeks
Enterprise Application Integration, BizTalk server (CBT)
* Certificate of Proficiency in

Cross platform Application Integration using Web services

Career Programs available under Futurz
FTC Curriculum


SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4
Module Test 1, Module Test 2, ISAS, Project Submission & Presentation

PP1, PP2
Assignments, Seminars, Daily Dairy, Monthly Progress Report, Semester Report. Presentations, Group Discussions, Project report

*Note: ISAS is applicable in Semester 2 & Semester 3 only.


Time Norm

Record of Student Appraisal scores given to the student at the end of the Program. The PPR will be available on niitstudent.com for the student.
Any student
7 days from the last appraisal date of last enrolled semester.


CWAP: Cumulative Weighted Average Performance

If CWAP >= 50% Graded Certificate

If CWAP < 50% Participation Certificate

Provided any student who completes a program subject to Program Eligibility Norms and Student Appraisal Obligations stated in Student Academic regulations Hand Book
21 days from the last appraisal date of last enrolled semester

PP Allotment
Any GNIIT student who gets 60% in each semester (SWAP), provides proof of minimum 3 year graduation and who has completed all four semesters in normal track
3 months from the time the student submits the necessary eligibility proofs for Professional Practice

Minimum of 3 Interview Opportunities
Any student who has got 70% aggregate across all semesters (CWAP) and has registered for Placement Assistance subject to Obligations stated in Student Academic Regulations Hand Book.
6 months from the date of registration for Placement Assistance

Also refer to the Student Handbook – Academic Regulations & Student Obligations documents available on www.niitstudent.com.


1. The details of the contents of these semesters are as per the Course Objectives List, which is available in the Front Office for reference.

2. All students will be provided with personal copy of the study material during the program. Part –I, II and III of the courseware kits for each semester will be given to the student on payment of CW1, CW2 and CW3 components respectively.

3. For GNIIT students, course material for CDS will be given to each GNIIT student during the first 3 semesters at pre-defined schedules on payment of CDS fees.

4. NIIT centre will make every effort to adhere to the time a norm specified but is not responsible for delays beyond its control.

5. * Select courses/facilities available at select locations / centres

GNIIT to include quality management
NIIT Limited, the information technology training, consulting and services company, has announced the inclusion of a quality management programme in its three-year GNIIT programme.
Four modules on quality management concepts, tools of quality management, ISO 9000 for software and the SEI-CMM model, software quality assurance and personal quality have been added to the GNIIT curriculum.

L Balasubramanian, general manager, NIIT, said the curriculum had been expanded in response to the results of a survey of employers. The results showed that seven of the 10 additional skills employers wanted in software professionals they hired pertained to quality management rather than technology.

Balasubramanian also pointed out that, with the increasing cost of manpower, India would be hard put to sustain its low cost of labour advantage for very long. "It is therefore important that we compete on quality," he said.

Among the other topics that are covered in the quality modules are software testing, documentation standards, time management, prioritisation and planning and problem solving methodology. The module has been created through extensive inputs from the work of Philip B Crosby, the quality expert associated with the 'zero defect' concept.

NIIT itself has experimented internally with Crosby concepts such as the 'Complete Quality Management System'.

The change in the curriculum comes a year after the GlobalNet curriculum for GNIIT was introduced. NIIT says its continuous interaction with the industry as a consultant and software developer for various companies helps it modify curriculum to suit current requirements within a short time.

The company has also separated curriculum development - which is done through the instructional research and design department - from curriculum delivery. This division enables NIIT to deliver a standardised model across the globe (the company now has operations in several East and West Asian nations), and across self-managed and franchise centres.

NIIT has also developed CD-ROMs on Crosby concepts such as personal quality management and problem solving tools. While these will be used in the GNIIT programme, they will be also be marketed separately.
NIIT launches new GNIIT programme

ITP News Network / Mumbai

TRAINING major NIIT has introduced a new ‘industry-endorsed’ multiple-track GNIIT programme for career aspirants in IT. The new GNIIT programme has been ‘co-designed’ with the IT and ITeS industry and is geared to fulfil their emerging manpower needs. The programme envisages four specialisation tracks built upon a common foundation.

Delving on the unique features of the new GNIIT programme, Vijay K Thadani, CEO, NIIT said that a significant part of the programme content has been customised to meet the specific requirements of large recruiters.

“The new industry-endorsed GNIIT programme, designed in consultation with the recruiters and NIIT alumni from across the IT sector, will help bridge the huge IT manpower demand-supply gap by offering the ‘right skilled IT manpower’ in a steady and predictable manner,” said Thadani.

Dr Smarajit Dey, head of individual learning business, said, “The new programme combines generic IT skills with company-specific skills to create a pool of professionals who are both industry-ready and are productive immediately.”

“NIIT has visualised placement partnerships with leading IT and ITeS companies who would also be involved in the selection process of candidates,” added Dr Dey.

The programme has identified four specialisation tracks—Software Engineering; Systems Engineering & Networking; Information Systems Management and Business Process Management.

These streams were identified based on an assessment of the most demanded job skills based on the hiring trends of the IT and ITeS industries and after studying the kind of jobs that GNIIT students were engaged in over the last few quarters. All students begin with a common foundation semester, after which their performance and specific strengths are used to determine the specialisation they would opt for.

The GNIIT programme also focuses on the emerging technology platforms that will be in demand in future. But in addition, these programmes have been designed with specific industry requirements in mind.

NIIT has paid specific attention to the needs of the BPO industry that requires technical and other manpower in large numbers at short notice. NIIT has created accelerated options and exit points mid-way through the programme in order to meet these needs.

The launch of the new GNIIT programme comes at a time when the shortage of ‘right skilled IT manpower’ has become a burning issue for HR managers.

The IDC Nasscom McKinsey Ministry of CIT Task Force report has predicted a fresh demand of over 5 million IT and ITeS professionals by 2012. Of this, the ITeS industry alone will need about 2.9 million professionals.

Credit waivers for GNIIT in Ireland

ITP News Network / New Delhi

More opportunities have opened up for NIIT graduates with the Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT) in Ireland, allowing them substantial exemptions from its Bachelor’s and Master’s courses. Students undergoing a DNIIT programme, can get two years exemption from a four-year Bachelors Programme in Computing. Students with a DNIIT and Bachelors degree can join the final year of BSc courses or gain direct entry into the Masters in Computing course. Holders of the GNIIT title can gain direct entry into the final year of the Masters in Computing course.

This recognition of NIIT awards is particularily significant as it comes from one of the best centres of IT training in Ireland. The Dundalk Institute of Technology has played a leading role in supplying the Irish and European software industry with developers and Internet technologists.

Talking about the NIIT and Dundalk programmes, the Irish Institute’s head of computing, Dr Bob McKiernan said, “We were particularily struck by the depth of knowledge provided by NIIT courses. The technical focus also is close to the approach taken in Ireland. NIIT graduates will find that our courses give them professional skills in software development, Internet technologies and IT management.”

DKIT offers Bachelors programmes in commercial computing (software development), Inte-rnet technologies and in information technology management. The suite of Masters courses includes Masters in Computing and MSc in Software Development. Besides Dundak University, Ireland, NIIT has partnership with more than a dozen universities across the world including ITT Technical Institute, US; University of Southern New Hampshire, US; University of Sunderland, UK; University of Northumbria UK and University of Canberra in Australia.

Succeed with Information Technology
NIIT, Asia’s largest IT Training Organization shows you the way to a successful career in Information Technology.

Considered the first and the best choice for comprehensive IT learning solutions, NIIT offers a host of programs to jump start IT careers. NIIT’s premium IT Career program is the Industry-Endorsed GNIIT. 27,000 students placed in major IT companies in the last 2 years & placements in 17 of the top 20 IT companies are a perfect endorsement of this program’s strength.
The GNIIT Advantage:
Industry-endorsed Curriculum
Multiple Track Specialization - Software Engineering, Business Information Management & Systems Engineering & Networking.
Global Professional Technology Certifications
NIIT’s partnership with academia and IT majors like Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun Microsystems etc.
Professional PracticeTM – One year of Work Experience enabling students to earn-as-they-learn
Merit Scholarships for deserving candidates on the basis of Class 12 results.**

So, if your child has completed Class 12 or is attending college; give him the GNIIT advantage today!

Call 1800 180 6448 (BSNL) or 1800 102 6448 (Airtel)
SMS niit_careers to 6161
E-Mail: careercourses@niit.com


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